You can use them in your commercial and non-commercial projects. Just keep in mind that you shouldnt re-upload the package + dont use them in other engines. Foliage Starter Kit is a package especially designed for the UE4. It will give you the ability to create awesome forest/parks/garden scenes with a great variation due to the different material parameters in the Material Instances. That means that you can change the summer trees to winter or autumn trees with just changing a parameter in the Material Instance. Moreover you can modify the wind effects like the strength/variation and also the sway amount of the trees. You are also able to add snow and a variation colour which will change with the mesh position. Another feature is that the ground plants are interactive. So they will move/bend when the player walks over them. All meshes are pretty low poly so that you can use them in a very large scale. Entire landscapes can be filled with them without great performance losses. The package includes: -46 Meshes...........................Grass, Flower, Bush, Trees (with LOD’s) -20 Textures -9 Master Materials.................Grass/Ground Plants, Tree, Landscape, Particle Material -1 Particle System..................Falling Leaves All meshes are available as .blend files which will allow you to easily modify the assets. So you can directly jump into blender to change the appearance of the meshes (size, texture, LOD, collision,… actually you can change everything). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meshes/Textures The package includes 20 different textures (1st pic) and 46 different meshes (2nd pic): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effects You can change/choose different effects in the Material Instances which can be found in the Child Material folder. The materials are split into 3 different categories with various effects: Basic -> wind Advanced -> wind, variation, Pro -> wind, variation, snow, swaying, winter, autumn -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Materials The materials are split into Master Materials and Material Instances. In the Master Materials you can change nodes which will affect all the Material Instances. In the Material Instances you can change different textures and effects. All the changes will mainly happen in the Material Instances! Just modify the Master Materials when you know the basics of the material editor. The package includes 9 Master Materials and several Material Instances: M_grass_basic M_grass_advanced M_grass_pro M_tree_basic M_tree_advanced M_tree_pro M_bark M_landscape M_leave_part -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Videos